Worlds Largest Entertainment Mc Donalds getting ready to rebuild

The corner of Sand Lake and International drive is about to start it’s total transformation when the McDonalds starts construction of a brand new restaurant. According to employees of the now Worlds largest entertainment McDonald’s the new one will be a replica except all high tech including energy saving features. The video below shows the vacant corner lot that used to be a gas station where the new construction will begin soon. Also in the video You can see the existing McDonald’s that will stay open during the new construction. Once the new restaurant is complete the current one will be demolished and turned into extra parking. The new McDonalds will offer all the unique items that the current does, like Pizza, pasta, specialty sandwiches and hand dipped ice cream. It will also have the huge arcade that makes it so unique. Across the street the Polar Coaster will start construction in 2016 about the time the McDonalds is completed.