Tiered Pricing for Disney World being discussed

When I first heard of this idea of tiered pricing for Disney World, I thought, this is something that Seaworld has already done and it was a great idea. Yes, I am all for Disney offering a 70 dollar ticket for weekdays and off months. The whole month of January and February could be 50 dollars per day, right? WRONG! Leave it to Disney to use this great idea to raise all prices not lower prices. So in order to cut down crowds at the busiest times, Disney is proposing a ticket INCREASE up to 125.00 per day. The 125 dollar ticket would be good anytime then the current 105 dollar ticket would only be good on a weekday or an off time of the year.

This type of surge pricing was no doubt taken from the playbook of ride share Uber and Lyft. It had a very bad reception from customers there and it will do so in the theme park world also.